By Security on Thursday, 28 November 2024
Category: English

Rights to sex and homosexual love

Question 3.

The majority of the population is heterosexual, and you have open positions on homosexual couples. In this way, you will lose many voters. Don't you think of taking a definitive position?

Answer 3.

We do not have to take a definitive stance. We just need to stay consistent, and be consistent forever. The issue is very important, and we have addressed it in some of our informative articles. Love, as banal as it may seem, is the greatest force in the universe. The State cannot impose on the individual what to do with their own body, and who to love. Obviously, there must be an age of consent for sexual relations, which must vary from country to country, based on local traditions, and the advice of specialists, especially doctors. On these issues, and on the various specific laws, all our national organizations, and in many cases local ones, must decide. One thing, however, is not up for discussion, we are for the freedom to love whoever you want, whether they are of the opposite sex, or your own sex. We do not discriminate, and we will never do so, against people based on race, skin color, sex, sexual preferences, religious preferences, political preferences, linguistic preferences, culture and traditions. For us, there are good people, or bad people, with varying amounts of goodness, and badness. The bad ones will never be accepted in our immense family, and will never have important roles, and superior types of users. There are intelligent people, and stupid people, with various levels of intelligence, and stupid people, will join us last, when they cannot obtain, roles of great responsibility, and superior types of users. There are tolerant people, and intolerant people, and those who are intolerant, would do well to stay away from all our activities. To conclude, and to answer clearly, unequivocally to the question: for us, homosexual couples, must have the same rights, and the same duties, as heterosexual couples, and every minority, of any kind, must be protected, and defended by all means.

The reasons for our choices are clear. What freedom does the recognition and protection of homosexual couples take away from the heterosexual majority? No freedom, but it offers the same rights and the same duties to sexual minorities. Ours is not an ideological decision, but is based on logic, common sense, science, and mutual respect for all people.

And if many people will not join us, why do we defend minorities? We base ourselves on the fact that the stupid and intolerant are few, and the intelligent and tolerant are a clear majority.

We have only 3 simple questions, which each of us must be able to answer, publicly, and also speaking directly, to our own conscience.

If homosexual people had the same rights and duties as heterosexual couples, would anyone force you to have similar sexual relations, or could you continue to have sexual relations with people of the opposite sex?

If someone who opposes same-sex romantic relationships had a gay son or a lesbian daughter or, as grandparents, had a gay grandson or a lesbian granddaughter, how would he or she behave?

If these children, or grandchildren, but also future generations, hear, see, or read, with how much hatred, and with how much discrimination, you treat homosexual people, and with how much contempt and disgust, you hate them, what would they do on your grave, when you are dead?

Now, for all of you, some more detailed explanations.

To answer 3, on homosexuality, which we all confirm, in every single word, of every single sentence, we must add, some brief and partial considerations.

There are only two ways to do politics: the right way, like we do it, and the wrong way, like not everyone else does it.

If we wanted to think only about the consensus of the people, which will then transform into votes, for all our candidates, in future elections, we could simply deny, every right, to homosexual people. Furthermore, not all homosexuals will vote for us. The percentages at a global level, speak of 1 person in 10 gay, or lesbian, and of about 20% of the population, bisexual. We are talking about approximate data, of declared people, which will surely be much higher, if we consider those who are, in a hidden way.

But let's say that only 1 person on our planet was gay, or lesbian, for us, it wouldn't change anything. We don't do politics to get votes, everyone who knows us should have understood that. We do it, all together, to change and improve the world. For us, a world where even one young person commits suicide because they love people of the same sex, is a wrong and rotten world. Obviously, bullying, and all other types of violence, must be prevented and resolved with intelligence, but also with firmness.

In a very short time, we received many messages, in which we were considered the gay party, and also many threats. People who told us: we will block you, and we will boycott you, in every way, we will make you disappear from social networks, and in other cases, there are even people, who threatened us, to make us disappear permanently.

All these people, who threaten, or who offend, but also those who oppose, ideologically, and without serious reasons, this, and other rules of ours, are of no use to us, they are not useful to change and improve the world, and they are not accepted, in our immense family. Yes, dear friends, we always say it, and we confirm it, we are innovative, and alternative to all the other political forces, who seek by all means, your consensus, and your votes, in some cases even lying, manipulating, and sometimes, even stealing. We, tell you all the things, clearly and completely, even those, that you would not want to hear, because we like to always tell the truth, and be loyal, honest, realistic, and direct. Unlike the others, we do not only want to be chosen, by the population, and by all the voters. We too, select with great care, anyone who wants to join us, and therefore, we also select all our voters. We do not need consensus, of people who do not know how to distinguish good from evil, right from wrong, and who do not base their lives on mutual respect. Threats have never scared us, and insults do not bother us, but all together, they only confirm that we are making the right choice.

We had already said publicly, from the beginning, that we are in favor of love, whatever kind it is, and that no one has the right to judge, or prevent, love. The State can decide, with detailed Laws only the age of consent. This is a task, that we also leave, to our national organizations, and also to the local ones. However, each of our organizations, must never, and for no reason, discriminate people.

We have received messages accusing us of making “gay propaganda”. Almost all of those accusing us are males, openly heterosexual, but also some women, who are against this type of love.

Guilty of this hatred, are not only them, but above all those, who have "educated" them, being themselves, badly educated by previous generations. They themselves, will educate in the wrong way, their children. Every person who teaches to discriminate, hate, and to commit violence, must stay forever, outside of our organization. We say it clearly, so there will never be any doubts.

Many people tell us that it is not possible to answer our questions. And yet they are very simple, but we add others, just as simple.

If, God forbid, you had to have surgery, and the best doctor was lesbian, or gay, would you rather go to another doctor?

If, God forbid, you collapsed and needed mouth-to-mouth respiration or cardiac massage, and there was only one gay or lesbian person nearby, would you rather die than get help?

What if, God forbid, one of your children or grandchildren committed suicide because, knowing you, they were afraid to reveal that they were gay or lesbian?

To answer all our questions honestly and without any problem, you just need to use logic, common sense, and above all, mutual respect for all people.

And then, why should a heterosexual be bothered by gays, or lesbians?

Many are afraid of the extinction of the human race. Gays and lesbians can work together, or with all heterosexuals, to prevent it. But with overpopulation, we are not at risk of extinction.

Some say it is a disease, and they are basing their arguments on ancient research, but it has been proven that it is not a disease, it is just a sexual preference. It cannot be cured with drugs, or by doctors, and even electroshock does not work.

There are people, who have not studied, who say that it is not natural. Over 50 types of mammals, and many animals, are homosexual, bisexual, and some even transform, from male to female and vice versa.

The only real disease is hatred, discrimination, homophobia, and fear of those who think, or love, differently from us. Many specialists have demonstrated, with undeniable evidence, that many of those who hate, or who cannot stand homosexuals, do so because of a latent homosexuality. They are ashamed of what they feel, and fear that by legalizing their unions, and considering them families with the same rights and duties as heterosexual ones, envy of other people's happiness will force them to come out, and therefore to be "ashamed of being judged". There are "cover" phrases by some men, who say: gays disgust me, I have a wife and children, almost as if they had to demonstrate to everyone, proof of their "masculinity". Those who are heterosexual, like those who are openly homosexual, do not need to provide proof, which is of no interest to anyone. These hidden gays must hate these different couples, also because they cannot and do not have the courage to come out. Then, there are those who do not trust their children and grandchildren and fear that fair and permissive laws would encourage them to come out publicly, creating "embarrassment and shame", or, in some cases, provoke tragic conflicts. These people should rest assured that if their children and grandchildren love people of the same sex, with or without the authorization of the State and "civil" society, they will never become heterosexual, or will only appear to be so. Laws that allow people to love each other will take away that sense of rebellion, and although the number of openly gay and lesbian people will increase, the number of gays and lesbians who are openly gay will decrease, only out of "rebellion" against institutions. A bit like what happens with soft drugs, where they are authorized, there is no huge demand, but legal sales, bring down prices, and consumers, can be sure not to have problems, due to the quality of the product. And before you accuse us, that we are in favor of drugs (because stupid people, jump immediately, to hasty and superficial conclusions), we are not in favor of all substances, that are harmful to the body. Therefore, we always advise, to everyone, not to smoke, not to consume alcohol, and not to use narcotics. But the solution, is not to prohibit, or punish, the consumption, and the legal sale, but it is, correct information, and above all, to create optimal living conditions, for all young people, offering them, opportunities to fulfill themselves in life, with all the help, the best possibilities to study, and offering everyone, concrete goals to achieve. But about drugs, young people, and the future, we have already talked, and will talk again, in detail. All that we say, all the studies prove, young people who have grown up with values of tolerance, based on mutual respect, of all people, are happier, and also live their conditions, often difficult, in a more serene way, and with less fear of expressing themselves, in every activity. Many young gays, and lesbians, become drug addicts, or alcoholics, because society does not accept them, and does not offer them, living conditions, and opportunities, equal to heterosexuals.

Some invoke the Sacred Texts, interpreting them as they please. Of the more than 24,000 religions and cults on earth, only a few of them, in one way or another, discourage homosexual love. Others condemn only sex, others, condemn only love, and very few, condemn both love and sex. God, or the Gods, if they had not wanted homosexuals, would not have created animals, and men, with similar tendencies.

Many religions are adapting, also because, nowadays, many lies, and many interests, are easily unmasked. Those who do not adapt, are destined to lose many faithful. Obviously, it is our prediction, on real data, so we do not fear being proven wrong.

Many years ago, the average life span was 21 years, few became adults, because they died in wars (which are often caused, and approved by religions), infections (a small cut on a finger was enough), diseases, and living conditions, at the limits of survival. People worked, day and night, every day, until the moment they died, and only the rich could get information, take care of themselves, live well, and study. Many young people were needed, to make them work like animals, from morning to night, every day, from a very young age. Young people were also very useful in wars, to make them fight, and to make them find the courage, it was enough to invent religious reasons, perhaps promising a happy eternity, and in some cases, with sex at will. Many people, rich and powerful, had "Sacred Texts" written, inserting in some parts, lies, or interpretations, useful to their interests, therefore: no to sex without procreation (even for you dear heterosexuals), therefore as a consequence, and not as a reason, no to sex, between people of the same sex.

We will not sit here, finding various interpretations, of all the texts, that are for, or against, homosexual relations. Yes, dear friends, there are many parts, even in favor.

We will limit ourselves to Christians and Muslims.

When they asked Jesus Christ: Master, what must we do to enter Your Kingdom? You must respect all 10 Commandments in life. Only in this way, after death, will you enter the Kingdom of My Father.

Now a question, for all Christians, in which of the 10 Commandments of God the Father, is it written, that there must be no sex, or, homosexual love? What do we do dear religions, do we add a specific one, or, do we adapt to the will of God?

But Jesus Christ, he added: but I give you another, perhaps the most important, love one another, as I have loved you. In what part he said, however, gays, and lesbians, are not included.

For the over one and a half billion Christians in the world, there is no doubt, our advice is to listen to God, Jesus Christ, and your conscience, and not religions, which often manipulate you, and make you do what interests them. God, and certainly not even Jesus Christ, would never have agreed with the various subdivisions of His Church. Churches must unite, and not divide. Yet men, based on their own interests, are not ashamed, to do the worst things, which are not loving a person of the same sex, but to hurt, kill, discriminate against women and men, destroy the planet, and incite hatred.

For Muslims, the Prophet Muhammad never disavowed the teachings of all the other previous Prophets, on the contrary, he exalted them and improved them, making them easier to understand for the poorest and least educated people. Like all Sacred Texts, the Koran is also inspired by the word of God, but even in that case, those who transcribed the Texts, as they did with the Holy Bible, added, modified and deleted some parts that were not convenient for the powerful of the time. God, and certainly not even the Prophet Muhammad, would never have agreed with the division between Shiites and Sunnis. Religions must unite, not divide, and yet men, based on their own interests, are not ashamed to do the worst things, which are not loving a person of the same sex, but harming, killing, discriminating against women and men, destroying the planet and inciting hatred.

With this article, we also explained why we keep all religions out of all our activities and all our decisions, while always respecting and protecting each of them and every single person who believes in something Superior, who watches us and judges us. And we also hope that they forgive us all, including those who hate those who don't think like them.

We will repeat forever, as many times as necessary, all these things, exactly confirming, every single word, of every single sentence. And so will anyone who joins us, forever.

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